We understand many of our students continue to serve in the armed forces while attending higher education. Here are some common questions and information to help you know how to respond to situations related to your service commitment.
Read more about the campus policy for withdrawing for military service
a. Credit in Courses
1. Undergraduate, graduate, or professional students who are members of the Active Reserve Forces (including the National Guard) called to active duty under normal training orders will not be granted excused absences or academic credit for courses in which they are enrolled unless they have requested a postponement of such a period of active duty for training until the summer, and unless the university has received a verification that such a request was officially denied. This requirement, however, shall not apply to individuals who are called to active duty as a result of national emergency or as a result of the mobilization of the Reserve Forces (including the National Guard).
2. A student called to active duty shall be eligible for excused absences, subject to instructor approval, for up to 14 consecutive calendar days of in‐progress courses prior to completing 75% of the semester in which they are enrolled. Any assignments and assessments associated with those excused absences must be completed by the student in a timely manner as defined by the instructor after the student’s return to campus. Courses must be at least 8 weeks in duration to receive up to 14 consecutive calendar days of excused absences. Courses less than 8 weeks in duration will be handled based on instructor and college office coordination. Training requiring more than 14 consecutive calendar days of absence, or students planning to continue coursework remotely, must coordinate with instructors. The Chez Veterans Center will confirm documentation of training orders for students called to active duty. Students should share this confirmation of training orders with instructors as soon as possible, but no later than five business days prior to the student’s departure.
3. When a student is called to active duty after completing at least 75% of the semester in which they are enrolled, the student may request incomplete grades (See § 3‐104 Other Grade Symbols in Use) or depart from the semester. Students are permitted to request incomplete grades in some courses while departing from others.
4. In the case of departure after completing at least 75% of the courses in which they are enrolled, students as specified in (1) are entitled to receive full credit. The grade reported shall be that attained in the course up to the time of departure. (Grades reported below C‐ are recorded as W [withdrawn]; grades of D‐ or higher reported in courses taken under the CR‐NC option are recorded as CR.)
5. Irrespective of their grade in any course in which they are then registered, students who depart from the university at any time for any of the above-mentioned reasons, shall be entitled at their discretion to complete alternative assignments or assessments approved by the instructor for credit in the course. The usual grading system applies. (See § 3‑102 on grading system.)
b. Graduation
1. Students who have been at the university for not less than two full semesters , who have met all requirements for graduation (including minimum scholarship requirements), except those that they would fulfill by completing the courses for which they are registered at the time of departure from the university to enter active service with the Armed Forces, will receive full credit in those courses and may be recommended for a degree provided they have completed 50% of the course(s) in which they are enrolled, and provided they have a standing in the course(s) for which they are registered that, if maintained to the end of the semester, would satisfy the requirements for graduation. Courses that are not at least 50% completed at the time of departure will not earn any academic credit.
2. A student who is eligible for continuing enrollment who at any time leaves the university to enter military service and does so enter within ten days, and who lacks no more than one-sixteenth of the total credit hours required for a degree, may, at the discretion of the college concerned and on approval of the student’s major department, be recommended for such degree. But no student should be considered eligible for this privilege who has acquired hours under the provisions of subsection (b)(1) above.
A. “A student who is eligible to continue” shall be interpreted to mean one whose progress during the student’s university registrations has been satisfactory to the administrative officers of the student’s college. Among grounds for dissatisfaction might be negligence in meeting requirements, or scholastic deficiencies.
B. “At any time” shall be interpreted to mean “during any semester of enrollment or the interim between successive semesters.” It is not intended that students who stay out of college for any semester, and who thus do not make continuous progress to their degrees, shall be eligible for the privilege extended in these rules.
What happens to my grades/classes if I’m called to active duty during the semester?
In order to receive appropriate credit/grades and avoid negative impacts to their record, students ordered to active duty during the semester are encouraged to officially withdraw from the University following established withdrawal procedures.
If you withdraw from the university due to being ordered to active duty after completing the seventh week and before completing the twelfth week of the semester, you may be entitled to receive credit for one-half of each course in which you have attained a standing of C- or better at the time of withdrawal. Full credit is given if the withdrawal occurs after completing the twelfth week of the semester. For more information please refer to this relevant section of the Campus Code of Policies and Regulations.
What should I do if I am called to active duty during the semester?
Students who wish to officially withdraw from the University due to military orders must follow established withdrawal procedures. The following checklist is a guide to help you through the process.
Students must complete a Withdrawal from the University form which should be obtained from the Dean’s Office in your College or Graduate Department. The form requires the student to obtain signatures from several campus offices and then submit a copy of the form to the Office of Student Financial Aid (OFSA) along with a completed VA Form 21-4138 (Statement of Support of Claim) (pdf) indicating the reason for the withdrawal.
I’m suppose to graduate, but I was called to active duty. Now what?
If you are close to graduation when you receive orders calling you to active duty, there are two ways you may still be eligible to graduate.
- First, if you already meet all requirements for graduation (including minimum scholarship requirements), except those that you would normally fulfill by completing the courses for which you are registered at the time of withdrawal from the University for active duty orders, you will receive full credit in those courses and may be recommended for a degree provided:
- You have been at the University for a minimum of two full semesters at Urbana-Champaign
- You have completed the seventh week of that semester (sixth week in a twelve-week term or fourth week in an eight-week session)
- You have standing in the courses for which you are registered that, if maintained to the end of the semester, would satisfy the requirements for graduation.
If the withdrawal occurs before the completion of the seventh week of the semester (sixth week in a twelve-week term or fourth week in an eight-week session), you may be recommended for a degree upon passing examinations covering the first half of the subject matter of the courses in which you are then registered.
- Second, if you are a senior eligible for continuing enrollment and you leave the University to enter military service during any semester of enrollment or interim between successive semesters, you may be recommended for a degree, at the discretion of your college and on approval of your major department, provided:
- You have progressed satisfactorily during your University registrations (according to the administrative officers in your college)
- You lack no more than one-sixteenth of the total credit hours required for a degree (typically about 7 or 8 credit hours, but depends on your degree requirements)
- You have been making continuous progress toward your degree.
You will not be considered eligible for this privilege if you have acquired hours under the provisions of the first case listed above.
What happens to my student loans if I’m called to active duty?
If you have direct loans that are in an in-school status, an in-school deferment status, or in a grace period status, you should call the Direct Loan Service Center at 1-800-848-0979 and request a “Military Grace Program” deferment. This option can extend the grace status of the loan up to three years and is only available to students withdrawing as a result of being recalled or deployed.
What if I need to miss class due to Annual Training (AT)?
Per campus policy, Annual Training (AT) and other normal training orders are treated differently from mobilization or recall to active duty orders. If these orders interfere with your normal progress during the semester, you are encouraged to formally request through your chain of command postponement of your orders until the summer or the end of the semester so that you can complete the courses in which you are enrolled. If your request for postponement is denied, then you may be eligible for credit/grades under the campus policy for military withdrawals.
Students who are members of the Active Reserve Forces (including the National Guard) called to active duty under normal training orders will not be granted academic credit for courses in which they are enrolled unless they have requested a postponement of such a period of active duty for training until the summer, and unless the University has received a verification that such a request was officially denied.
This requirement, however, does not apply if you are called to active duty as a result of national emergency or as a result of the mobilization of the Reserve Forces (including the National Guard).
What if I need to miss class due to military obligations like monthly drill?
For members of the National Guard and Reserves, there may be times when you miss a class or two due to a weekday drill or similar military training. If orders are not issued, the student must contact the Office of the Dean of Students and bring a signed letter (usually from the unit CO) that specifically outlines the date(s) on which the student was in a military status. The Office of the Dean of Students, upon verifying the letter, will complete an “Absence Letter Request” and email it directly to the student. The student will then submit the letter to the instructor, either in person or through email.
If you withdraw from the University due to being ordered to active duty, you are eligible for accommodations and protections if you follow the proper procedures. For more information please refer to this relevant section of the Campus Code of Policies and Regulations.
Students who wish to officially withdraw from the University due to military orders must follow established withdrawal procedures. The following checklist is a guide to help you through the process.
- If your orders are for Annual Training (AT), first officially request postponement of the orders until summer. If the request is denied, obtain a letter from your Commanding Officer verifying the denial.
- Obtain a copy of your military orders or a letter from your Commanding Officer
- Complete a Withdrawal from the University form which should be obtained from the Dean’s Office in your College or Graduate Department.
- Meet with your College Advising Office and provide them with a copy of your military orders. Based on specific course(s) in which you are enrolled and the point in the semester when the activation occurs, you may be advised to discuss incomplete contracts or independent study options.
- Notify the Assistant Director over Veterans Support Services, Jason Sakowski, of your plan to withdraw due to military orders. Jason may also be able to help you through the withdrawal process if you are having difficulty.
- Contact the Office of Student Financial Aid (OSFAVeterans@illinois.edu). Submit a copy of the Withdrawal from the University form to OSFA along with a completed VA Form 21-4138 (Statement of Support of Claim) (pdf) indicating the reason for the withdrawal.
- If you were recalled and have already departed campus after completing the withdrawal process, you should e-mail the following information to OSFAVeterans@illinois.edu. OSFA will acknowledge your e-mail and forward the withdrawal to the Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA) for processing.
- Your full name and social security number
- The date of withdrawal listed on your withdrawal form
- Your military unit designation
- A brief statement indicating the reason for the withdrawal
- If you were recalled and have already departed campus after completing the withdrawal process, you should e-mail the following information to OSFAVeterans@illinois.edu. OSFA will acknowledge your e-mail and forward the withdrawal to the Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA) for processing.
- If you need to break your lease due to activation or recall, be sure to contact the following:
- Tenant Union: (217) 333-0112
tenantunion.illinois.edu/militaryclause.asp - Student Legal Services: (217) 333-9053
- Tenant Union: (217) 333-0112