Meet our Research Teams

Our community of innovation is the human capital underlying Urbana’s ecosystem of veteran research.

Our internal team and affiliated research labs are dynamic, offering a more comprehensive approach to grand challenges in veteran health. We are an interdisciplinary group of campus researchers focused on leveraging innovative methodologies to strengthen military-connected communities.

Faculty and affiliated research labs

Our broader community of veteran health researchers organize regular activities, enabling interactions among researchers and students through symposia, workshops, and thematic research groups.

Health Promotion and Rehabilitation Lab
The Health Promotion and Rehabilitation Laboratory, coordinated by Dr. Chung-Yi Chiu, has an overall research goals to understand how people with disability and chronic illness (PwDC) live healthy, meaningful, and productive lives.

The EARTH Lab, led by Dr. Michael Lotspeich-Yadao, is focused on the use of applied social research to better understand the life course experiences of military-connected populations in rural communities.