Your mental health matters.
We know what it’s like to transition from the military to college. You’re adjusting to an entirely different lifestyle and establishing new routines. Our team is here to help you learn and apply skills that promote personal and social growth, emotional resilience, mental health, and well-being. We provide individual, couples, and group counseling.
Veterans and their family members can experience intense challenges both in personal life and academics. Challenges often affect the entire family. Addressing the well-being and mental health of veterans and their family need attention. The Center’s counseling services have adapted provisions from the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) and the Illinois Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities Confidentiality Act because they represent ethical standards in regards to privacy and confidentiality with protected health information. The Center’s clinician is also a confidential resource on campus and clinical services are available to students and their family members at no charge. In addition to counseling services at the Center, options for counseling through the VA and community/campus is also available and the Center’s clinician is available to coordinate service to best meet students and their families needs.
The University of Illinois campus has several other resources available for our students. You can find more information about campus mental health resources by clicking here.